Cynthia, the cautionary tale
In the era of NAFTA, manufacturers relocated production to Mexico, where they could instill much lower wages with their much lower standards- leaving workers like those of "Sweat" displaced and despondent, waiting desperately on their tarnished American Dream. The SCOTUS ruled in Janus v. AFSCME (2018) that government workers who choose not to join unions may not be required to help pay for collective bargaining, meaning that non-union workers were no longer obligated to pay "agency fees" to public sector unions even while receiving implicit benefits from their progress for workers for all. The impact of this at large has been predicted to cost unions tens of millions of dollars. The weakening of unions would align with it being more common to see that less voice is given to the people, while simultaneously vilifying them- as seen by Cynthia’s character. Cynthia risks her managerial position to provide inside information from the higher-ups to her friends still ...